Meeting your ego is a $99 service/product that allows you to come face to face with your ego through a guided meditation. While experiencing the guided meditation, we will gather as many physical characteristics as possible of your ego. We then have the description made into a digital piece of art that will help you move forward in the process of letting go.

The Ego is Who you have always thought you were and is also known as your protector, which is also your adolescent in the chair model. The purpose of your ego is to keep you safe. From the time you were around the age of 6 until about 25, your ego was being formed. Because your ego is formed from the experiences up until 6 and then until 25, the ego is based on the past. The beliefs the ego forms from your past also affect your future, which never allows you to live in the present moment. In our lives, we have moments that cause us to react also known as “Triggered,” which comes from our unconscious mind. An unconscious involuntary reaction physically or neurologically is never coming from what is happening, but from the deeply rooted belief that has been formed coming from the ego. Ways that the ego shows up in our present lives could be perfectionism, procrastination, stress, anxiety, depression, shutdown, drinking, smoking, bad eating habits, control, anger, or even suicidal thoughts, just to name a few. It is when we drop our pride and accept that how we show up is not our fault, but is our responsibility, that our ego begins to crumble, and our divine self comes to fruition.
A guided meditation is the journey we take to bring our mind into the present moment with the help of another person. We naturally follow thoughts and emotions based around things we remember from the past or expectations of our future. With guided meditation we learn to allow these thoughts and emotions to flow through without grabbing onto them and remain in the present moment through breathing techniques, visualizations, or sounds. Once in a present state and at peace in the moment, the subconscious mind is accessible. This is where we begin to gather the visualization of your ego.
Meeting your ego face to face and getting a physical visualization is about building a relationship with your protector. It is about allowing your ego to know you see them and appreciate the protection they have supplied you throughout your life up until this point. You will now know what you are going up against and find peace in showing up as who you are vs. as your ego. You will know when you are responding or reacting, and it will help you make a better choice in the present moment than unconsciously reacting. This will help you with letting go of the parts of you that you are not and embrace your true self once again.